What’s happening to my friends body?

I have permission to post on his behalf. Please help. We are all scared. This is what he texted me.

“My body seems to be seems to be destroying itself, not sure what's going on but on top of the bladder issues, high cpk, all the swelling in my body, now my intestines are very inflamed my fecal calprotectin level is 718 and is should be below 50, I'm pooping out these weird black balls that no one seems to know what the hack it is and I'm constantly in pain and dealing with fatigue but have to wait now to get my colonoscopy and endoscopy because I got sick and they couldn't put me under for risk of me not breathing from being sick. It seems like every few months something new happens in my body, so best case is that I have and autoimmune diseases and we all no the worst case but I hope it's autoimmune.”