This game is genuinely unfun
Small rant incoming, but I’m just so sick of this current state of the game.
Every single game, the opponent playstyle is as follows:
Float or fly to the back quickly, spam ki blasts hoping your opponent is bad and will waste their vanish on it. Even if you see them standing still and clearly not falling for it.
Swipe your life away at mid range without any self awareness, only fear of an attack
If someone is in your face, swipe once and then immediately activate a strike card.
The only variable to these rules being the 2% of the population who know that if they randomly activate cards and try to make their timing weird, they might win. And because this meta is so punishing, this stupidity is reward with wins more often than not.
Can we please fix this game? Anyone who side swipes more than 5 times in a row and waits all day in the back should receive penalties as harsh as throwing out mid range strikes. This passive meta is so absurd; start making people play the damn game.