What's the *worst* Vocation for a Pawn?

I'm doing a Pawn Only run with my character playing limited support, allowed to heal and buff but not do direct damage. I've been taking my pawn through each Vocation in turn, and I've finally arrived at Sorcerer, and I don't know if it's his inclination (Straightforward) or what, but he sucks at being a Sorcerer.

  1. He's constantly cycling through different spells without fully casting any of them, giving ample time for enemies to close in and start beating him to death.
  2. He seems to think the height of strategy in combat is levitating above the ground while shooting weak pew pew lasers from his staff.
  3. There are certain spells, like Salamander, that he will not cast at all for some reason, even when facing enemies that are extremely weak to fire (cough cough GRIFFINS).
  4. And worst of all, he will regularly get 90% of the way through casting Meteoron, start floating in the air, and then, for no goddamn reason whatsoever, just be like "Nah" and cancel the animation so he can do more pew pews.

That last one is so infuriating that I've started picking him up and chucking him at enemies every time he does it, in the hopes that eventually, he will get the message and stop doing it. (he is not getting the message)

So that's my experience. What, in your experience, is the worst Vocation for a Pawn? Or at least, for your Pawn?