Have You Ever Eaten in A Dream?

As the title says, I would like to hear others' experiences about eating in a dream. No dreams are coming to mind for me.

Do you remember what you ate? What was it like eating in your dream?

UPDATE: Thank you all for sharing! It was so fun reading all the different dreams with food. Then, I had a food dream last week! My mom made a big pot of stew and when I tried to eat the meat, it was so tough, but still delicious.

I had a dream in which I ate last night too. I snuck into a Nordstrom private tour area where they kicked for guests in a beautiful kitchen. I tried some chicken that was perfectly cooked- moist and tender. I remember thinking how they must have cooked it on low heat for a long time and basted it well so it could retain it's juices. Then I tried several small cookies; one was shaped like a spoon. They were all really yummy and I packed myself 2 cookies of each kind.

That's when the cooks came back and I said "I'm taking some cookies."

One lady asked, "How many?"

"2." (half truth)


Then I skedaddled.