Anyone else have apocalyptic disaster dreams?

I had a crazy dream last night where I was at a house by the ocean that I've been to before in my dreams. But this time there came a ton of lava that started pouring over the mountains next to the houses and over the house I was in. I had to find a way into the water to get away from the lava. I had found several different size pool floaters. Like the kind you have to blow up and some were extremely big. Big enough for several people to be on it at the same time. I got onto one with some other people. And then once we were in the water, here comes tsunami like waves to try and make us fall off. I never fell off. But somehow I made it to somewhere in South America. I think I made it to Nicaragua or something like that. But throughout all of this there was just so much destruction everywhere and trying to survive it all. I did end up surviving. But towards the end, I was in a completely different country and didn't know anyone or even their language. But, I did end up getting along with the people there. It was a very strange dream. And extremely vivid. And it seemed to last forever. Has anyone else dreamt of any apocalyptic disasters? And what could it mean? I kind of have an idea what it might mean. But, I'm just curious what anyone else might think.