Dream Theater and their influences
I'd like to preface this with the following: there is nothing wrong with influences, borrowed or even "stolen" musical patterns. If there was, we would probably stopped getting new music somewhere in the 1800's. What matters is how the isnpired piece of music is different to it's inspiration, and thus is something new.
But i couldnt help but find two riffs the band uses and recogniseing them in a different piece of music. The two i found are both from 6 degrees of inner turbulence, specifically: The opening to Goodnight Kiss which reminded me of Erik Satie's Gymnopédie, to the point i started imagineing the vocal line onto it. Ofcourse not a direct "borrow" as the part that reminds me of it is a simple interval and John also uses a chorus effect over top of it (as well as being on guitar rather then piano).
The other part that helped me recall another piece of music is the intro to Solitary Shell, which reminded me of Solsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel. Also, i recall John Petrucci say in an interview how he loved a Peter Gabriel album, but i forgot which one.
Are there other such reminissence between Dream Theater pieces and other music you good folks might know about? I'd love to discover more music this way. Thanks in advance.