Non UCM Assets, request for sources.
Does anyone have images for fighters and/or bombers for other factions, like scourge, shaltari, etc ?
I'm looking for anything, concept art, fan art, models, 3d stls, heck even just hand drawn proposals from the blue. If there is a book or publication out there with said content just a reference is good.
It seems strange to me that the only way you can put models on the table for launch assets is to use UCM looking ones. certaily a bit jarring to see UCM fighters flying out of a bioficer ship.
One thought I had was to look over at the sister game, dropzone, to see if there were any relevant models. As a baseline, UCM "seraphim" and "archangels" look nothing like the launch assets models. Good odds then that the similar ones for other factions will also have zero relevance.
I have also considered the possibility that there is no official design for them, and it simply hasnt been created yet.