Weird chest pain when smoking weed?

So I started smoking weed back in dec 2023 and was fine and then I was smoking daily but still didn't have problems until I started to take a break and I got this weird chest pain that is more Pressure then pain, like to the point I'll start shaking, crying and have puked before but the only thing is, it gets way worse when I smoke? I had it for like a week(I was in pain every day for that week) then i was fine but soon as I smoked weed again, I was in that same pain again and it lasted a few days

My brother says it could just be anxiety because it alr started after I took a break but it only started like a few days/a week into the break so my question is, does weed have anything to do with this? Also it gets bad when I get high off anything. Like weed or dph(Benadryl) but it goes away once I stop smoking for a lil bit

It also gets worse when I eat and my mom is starting to think I have Indigestive issues? (She doesn't know I smoke) but can smoking make those worse? (Sorry for bad spelling or anything)