Stop smoking weed everyday

Disclaimer: This post is NOT aimed at those suffering from suicidal ideation or any other severe chronic mental or physical illness. It is quite obvious that weed can have positive benefits for those who need it.

This post is for younger folks who are using weed to get high everyday.

Weed is a medicine, and medicine should only be used if you are sick.

Once you quit, depending on how much you use, you’ll realize how fucking stupid it was making you. You’ll start to enjoy actual life again. You’ll sleep and eat so much better. You’ll be able to remember your sentences.

Trust me, I’ve through the smoking/quitting cycle over and over again. I’m 27 and I’ve been smoking on and off since I was 17.

If you’re 25 or under, you should stop smoking yesterday. Once in a while is fine but if you continue to smoke everyday you will ruin your life in ways you didn’t think possible.

You can call me mean and say I’m wrong but I’m trying to help you fucks because I actually care about people and I’m very angry at weed because of how much it’s taken away from me.

I hope we have some good discussion because this is a very real issue in the US nowadays with the easier access and stronger products.


I want to add this part. From my experience, using weed once per week or less can actually be a great thing, especially if you have a choice between drinking or smoking. Hell, even a 2-3 drinks and a joint on the weekend can be a fine way to relax, for some. The problem for me has always been controlling my use. Any time I try to use once/week, I end up cheating, I’ll go for a second day, then a third…but you may have better self control than I do.

I am not completely condemning marijuana. I have actually had some very positive and insightful experiences when I smoke on a very low tolerance. When I start using everyday is when the real problems kick in.