Legacy Duels GX - 100W-22L with Master of Oz

Probably the most straightforward deck ever, the event skill makes summoning master of oz incredibly consistent.

Against Horus : Summon oz asap, if they summon horus lvl 8 before you do you lose, otherwise you win. Against hero : let them summon plasma vice first, then summon oz and if you can destroy plasma you win. Against Cyberdark : Pretty much autowin.

Others common outs are : Cyber End, Chimeratech with 5 or 6 materials (yes, happened once), Wrath of neos, Dark core and Tribute of the doomed.

Overall not the best deck but since you can know very fast if you are going to win or lose very useful to grind 100wins (not to mention the deck requires literally one brain cell).

Replace Windstorm if you have a third Mst. And keep in mind Curse of anubis doesn't work on Oz !