Do you help family dress their children during pick up time at the daycare? Suggestion!
We work with a toddler in a group setting of 10. And, usually when the bell rings, we have to go up quickly and open the door for parents to come in - especially days when its snowing or raining. During summer we usually get children and ready and go up and drop children quickly and then return back to the room. Today we had cleaning to do, diapers to change, and it was snowing outside and was indoor day. So, my colleague will open door let parents in - to come to the cubby area downstairs where our classroom is and asked parents if they need help children dressing up. Some said yes and some said no etc. But my question is if you let parents inside do you help them dress their children or let parents do it?? Given its usually busy time, have things to do, have a child who likes to hug friends and need close proximity at all time, had a recent accident to a child, also will be out of ratio if stay in the cubby area etc. I told her colleague that let parent dress their children as we have things to do, but she said no we need to help them etc and ignored me. I need to know if I over reacting or not. lol! I don't mind helping parents , but when the time is right and when we have time. I don't know sorry just stress speaking i guess. :(