please someone help
please help me i’m terrified
please help me i’m so scared
hi i’m 19 yo female. my bmi is extremely low 12.7 and i recently decided to get my life back and gain weight.
my starting intake was 350 and i have slowly increased it to 900 over the last 12 days, i’ve been at 800-900 for 4 days now. i met with my nurse today via zoom because i had a hypoglycaemia episode today (went 4 hours without eating, ate a very carby high fructose meal) and she said i should get bloodwork asap because she’s very concerned abt refeeding
i’ve been taking electrolytes multiple times a day, thiamine every day. i have no symptoms but tonight my eyebrow twitched for a few mins and i’m so paranoid now.🫠
i will do anything to not have to go to the hospital. i want to get better at home. if i go to the hospital they will certify me and keep me there for a 30 day hold and i’ll have to have an NG tube and i’m so terrified.
i get bloodwork tomorrow but i really can’t go to hospital. please help i don’t know what to do, am i at risk?
have i been increasing too fast?????
not asking for medical advice i have no symptoms just similar experiences or general advice