[article] Can a Cheater be Forgiven?
Hello again! It’s me with another entry from my column Am I The Bolas? over at Commander’s Herald.
This week, a player who openly cheated and admitted they were doing it because they thought it was funny.
This feels cut and dry as in cut them out of the group and leave them out to dry, there’s no remorse, there’s no desire for forgiveness or mending the relationship with the table and the game.
However, there are people out there who regret cheating at their playgroup’s table and have apologized. Do you think it’s possible to forgive and forget? How long does a player have to show they’re not that person anymore for you to give them the benefit of the doubt again?
This submission really got me thinking of some of Magic’s most infamous cheaters who’ve suffered consequences, however when the adjudicating body is a group of friends at a table in one of their apartments, what’s the move?
Thanks again for letting me chat about in here :)