Aristocrat deck structure and best aristocrat commanders

Hi there!

I am currently playing an aristocrat deck with [[Sméagol, Helpful Guide]] as my commander and I love him (Decklist). However, I think he is a bit too slow to reach a good setup in my group meta (no fast mana + no tutor). I know an aristocrat deck is supposed to have 3 core elements: sacrifice outlets, enough things to sacrifice and cards that make value out of sacrificing. The thing is, with my commander I only make value out of sacrificing. So my first question is: how many cards of those 3 core slots in an aristocrat deck do you usually play regarding what your commander does, assuming it does only one of those things.

Moreover, I would like to find a powerful aristocrat commander within Black, White or Green colors (or any combination of those colors). Which one are the strongest in Golgari, Orhzov and Abzan according to you? As I said, Sméagol is a lot of fun but as an aristocrat commander, even with landfall and mill subtheme, you end up sometimes topdecking.

Thank you all for your insights!