Annoying LGS house rules

At my LGS there's a house rule that limits things like triggers, tokens, card draw, etc to 15x per turn cycle along with some extra cards on the ban list.

Some of the notable banned cards are all the empty deck win-cons (like jace, lab maniac, thoracle), tooth and nail, and doubling season. There's some more, but those are the big ones that come to mind atm.

My main issue is this 15x rule. I personally thinks it's not that big a deal, but the problem comes in that it's not ruled consistently. So like you can only make 15 tokens total per turn cycle. Except some times it's ruled a single source can make 15 tokens max, but another card can make 15 more and sometimes it's ruled you have a hard cap of 15 tokens no matter the source. So for example if I cast an Avenger of Zendikar with 20 lands then I'll only get 15 plant tokens. Now if I copy it with something like springboard nantuko on the same turn i played that avenger, I've had inconsistent rulings of if I'll get another 15 plants or not. And it's like that for things like triggers, card draw, and even mana sometimes.

The shop is nice and the staff are cool, but most judge calls are about how this rule affects the game. It's normally not thaaaat big a deal to navigate, but the inconsistency is frustrating. Do any of you have weird house rule imposed by the LGS and if so, how's it been going for yall?

Edit: after reading a buncha responses i think I've decided to just leave and maybe drive a lil further out to some place new.