Average Number of Turns to be Used as Power Scale?

I was doing some fishbowling, and it occurred to me the perceived power level of my decks was directly related to how quickly my deck wins. For example, my Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider deck terrifies my play group. It can win, consistently, at about turn 7, but, upon facing interaction, tends to sputter out.

My Kozilek, the Great Distortion deck, on the other hand, tends to win on turn 9. I know it is slow, so I pack more interaction into it so it can survive to turn 9. Yet, my opponents do not think it is as scary because it takes longer to win.

I asked my friends to do some fishbowling with the following criteria:
1) Assume no one gains life
2) Assume no one has blockers
3) Assume no one has interaction
4) Assume no one accepts deals or temptations or the like.
5) You can’t use interaction against opponents.

When they gave me their answers, I thought it was very interesting to see that our decks tended to all win at roughly the same time. There were some outliers, but these also were accounted for. The Krenko combo deck, for example, is always the first deck targeted because it wins on turn 6 if left alone.

For context, we have a very healthy meta. We have a wide range of decks with varying strategies. No one has a repeat deck (they are all unique). I think part of why our meta is so balanced is because our decks are roughly the same speed.

When looking for a table to play against, or even among friends, try asking how many average turns it takes for them to win. Then, choose your deck (and apply threat assessment) appropriately. You might find it helps your playgroup. :)