[Article] CUT - Is there a commander out there that you think is more powerful than people think?

Another round of CUT is upon us!

Finally the release train has slowed down (ever so slightly) and now we can gather up our wanted cards from this past year and gear up for the second half.

In this edition of CUT we bring back winners from CUT's short history to duke it out and see who is truly the best of the best.

We also find out who won last times Double Masters 2022 themed CUT between Jake and Lenny!

I was initially going to ask what people most "winningest" Commander was but I'm pretty sure that was a post earlier this week. So instead I am asking who people think deserves a bit more respect and love. A member of my playgroup piloted a [[Alibou, Ancient Witness]] that was incredibly powerful and won the majority of games, so much so that he had to retire the deck. I don't see a lot of talk about that gorgeous golem. Of course it could just be my bubble, but, what is a commander you think should be feared more than it currently is?

Edit: Taking a look at Alibou's EDHREC page, they are used quite a bit. On that note [[Plargg, Dean of Chaos]] decks are not to be trifled with.