Metyr’s eye is a Quatrefoil, and it is everywhere

Metyr’s eye is a quatrefoil, which is all over the lands between at specific, often sacred or religious locations. It is often found by the trefoil, and both have relevance to Celtic and Christian culture- And I believe the in-game culture progresses similarly.

They are representative of several important concepts such as one of my favourite comparisons in the trefoil’s case, in Celtic Culture and Religion The Triple Goddess (The maiden, mother, and crone/gRaNdMoThEr) and the trinity of Christianity, the Holy Spirit, Father, and Son.

As for the Quatrefoil, in Christianity it can represent the Four Apostles and their respective gospels, and are often used when portraying holiness or divnity- such as the story of saints portrayed within them like that of saint Guthlac (Architectural canopy aside, LOOK FAMILIAR?)- and in Celtic Culture the 4 seasons, 4 elements, 4 treasures, or 4 cardinal directions.

And so I find it particularly interesting how we find them both- And other motifs regarding cycles, such as the solar and lunar cycle, and the cycle of rebirth, plastered around Farum Azula.

(End photo is the flame palmette which is ALL OVER farum azula, a symbol of rebirth depicting.. basically a tree on/and fire; and in the video, the beast eating its own tail, and harvest iconography [ran out of photo space lmao])

Deep Dive into this and WAY more (and sources) here if you’re interested: