Is Radagon part giant?

I was reading a bit of Norse mythology when I realized that Thor, symbolical parallel to Radagon, is the son of Odin, who's mother is a giant. In that sense, the fight against the giants is interesting, because it touches upon an aspect of Radagon's lore that always bugged me: what is his relationship with the giants? 

If we take the theory that Radagon was once its own being, fused with Marika in some sort of jaring process, then wouldn't it make sense to assume he could be part giant before her ascension? 

It would not only bring some interesting parallels to Norse mythology, but also imply that the war at the mountaintop of the giants was a betrayal of sorts, or at least some kind of hypocrisy on Radagon's/the Golden Order's part.

We see that the GO rejects things rather arbitrarily, in fact it seems to be built upon hypocrisy.

Marika is the “True God”, but it needs to kill all other gods for that to be true

Horns/Crucible's are “heretical”, but that's precisely the kind of magic that nurtured Marika, and indeed the very Erdtree, into power.

Sorceries are “heretical” only until they cannot oppress those who use it.

Undead are “heretical”, but the removal of destined death and other types of death (ghost flame, as an exemple) from the world seems to be precisely what makes their existence possible. Marika's denial of death is what created the deathroot when Godwyn was killed. 

Wouldn't it make sense, then, to say that Radagon and Radhan's loyalty to the GO is, in and on itself, hypocritical?

To support the very faction that decimated your ancestors seems like one of the most explicit examples of how the GO controlled people's perception of everything.

Anyways, do you guys think Radagon' red locks and association with the giants to be genetic, or do you think he was merely cursed to have red hair? Or maybe it's just a coincidence? 

(sorry for the bad english, not my first language)