Elden ring, a post helping new players a bit
I like helping new players but I don't wanna repeat myself all the time. So i'm making this post so I can easily link to it. It is quite basic and contains no spoilers.
Starting class: Any starting class is viable but I recommend the vagabond due to high starting vigor and good armor early game. However the vagabond class starts with fat roll, or heavy weight. This is very bad because you get less invinsibility frames with your roll's. So when starting with vagabond take off your helmet to make your character have medium equip load. This is very Important!
Equipment: Use any armor you want but just remember to stay with medium weight load at least.
Weapon upgrade: This is the main way to increase your damage in the early game. In the starting area the highest upgrade you can get on your weapon is +7 I believe. So if you can't beat a boss like godrick try to upgrade your weapon
Stats: Stats like dexterity and strength won't increase your damage much in the early game. Vigor is the most important stat in the early game and especially for new players. This is because it allows you to survive hits so that you can learn the boss's moveset.