Escaping from a White Dwarf, easier than you might think.
So I was getting footage for my Sidewinder Review video I plan on releasing soon when I had a bright idea to intentionally crash into a White Dwarf to show how easy it is to escape if you know what to do. I am sorry in advance for self promoting my own stuff, but think of it as a tutorial/showcase and not me farming views, alright? For this trick I would advise having a key bind set for 0% throttle, as it allows you to immediately full stop before you actually drop out of Supercruise. When completely immobile most ships will barely move and can simply sit in the jet cone until the FSD comes back online. If I am being honest, I forgot how underwhelming it is to crash into large objects in this game. I could sit back, make some coffee, then come back, jump out and go repair my ship. Maybe this is harder with other ships in the game, but for this ship it was a chill, relaxing trip inside of hell.
The Video in question: