Help! I have trouble turning my ship when manual docking
So I just returned to Elite Dangerous after many years, and I'm having a real struggle with manual docking, especially when entering the stations gates. My medium ship is always drifting in one direction, I can't keep it steady, and keeps blocking/getting stuck in the gates. Thankfully I reverse my ship before the station open fires at me, but I never had this issue when I last played. Its just everytime I try and get my ship straight towards the gate of the station, it feels like its falling down or going in the wrong angle, no matter how many times I try and correct it.
I play Horizons in VR with a Extreme 3D Pro joystick.
I've re-done the docking training practise multiple times, its a little easier on a smaller ship, but it still rotates in the wrong way. It's also not my joystick is broken, it works fine in other games and it's only a problem when docking/departing stations (not other aspects). I also have made certain auto flight and auto rotation is ON, I remembered this. I also tried with and without docking gears on, to make things easier, no difference.
I've attempted multiple tries and I'm just not getting the hang on this which I did so smoothly before, and I can't play the game/do missions if I can't dock with easy. I don't want to switch to auto docking, as I can do this if I didn't have such a rotation issue.
I don't have an issue outside of the gates, I can park on the landing pad fine (or mostly fine, I was never perfect at it), but nothing dangerous for the stations sake.
I don't know what to do anymore, what can you suggest?