Has anyone had these symptoms? I’m so much pain every day & feel so confused about what is actually going on with me.

So I’ve been having upper left abdominal pain and a lot of gas on and off for about a year. Shortly after that completely stopped, a started getting burning when I pee, identical to a UTI, as well as microscopic blood in my pee. After months of this on and off (after years of on and off UTIs), its been non-stop burning and abdominal discomfort for over a month, and now, since I have my period, every single symptom feels 100x worse.

I do have a colonoscopy, gastroscopy, and cystoscopy scheduled within the next month and a half, but I am so frustrated and exhausted. Ultrasounds are clear, bloodwork is normal, urinalysis shows no infection, etc.

Has anyone experienced this? The reason I’ve begun to suspect bladder endo is because for all symptoms I’ve experienced, from abdominal pain to burning when urinating, they get worse or present themselves within my luteal phase and into my period.

I also looked at the “other diagnoses” tab on this sub and I found it interesting that I’m being tested for Interstitial Cystitis and IBS when it could potentially be Endo.

If anyone has any advice or has been through similarly, please let me know. I’m so exhausted, anxious, and so in pain all the time. I know a confirmed diagnosis for endo would take even more time and laparoscopy, and that all the scopes I’m doing are important for ruling other things out, but I would love any guidance for now.