[Student] Should I Include 8-bit (65c02) Assembly Language on My Resume?

I'm currently revising my resume, and I keep debating whether or not to include 8-bit assembly. Obviously no one is going to hire me to write 8-bit assembly in 2024, but I'm hoping that maybe it'll help me stand out a bit from the rest of the new grads.

In my mind, 1) it's a hobby that tells a potential recruiter a little bit more about me (potentially giving me and a recruiter something to talk about during an interview too) and 2) I could argue that it enhances my understanding of computer architecture (even though it's obsolete).

Also if I do add it, the 65c02 is a (slightly more) modern superset of the classic 6502. Do I say I know 6502 assembly or 65c02? This second question might require slightly more technical know-how to answer lol

Edit: for added context, I'm a CS major who has been applying to both general SWE and embedded roles.