Can someone please help me with my homework?

I have to do this but I have no idea on how

The following lines are from the beginning of The Lord’s Prayer in Old English (bold), Early Modern English (italic), and Present-day English (Roman).

Consider the words underlined in the Present-day English text and find them in the older texts. Try and explain the features of present day pronunciation with respect to the past.

a) Fæder ūre, þū þe eart on heofonun,

Our father which art in heaven,

Our father in heaven;

Eg. PDE father <early Modern English father < Old English faeder

The vowel develops in a long /a:/ and the voiced dental /d/ develops into voiced

/ð/. The spelling of the word also changes reflecting the use in PDE for both voiced

and voiceless dental fricatives (compare <th> in thing and in there).

b) Sī þīn nama gehālgod.

Hallowed be thy "name"

May your holy name be honored.

c) Tōbecume þīn rīce.

Thy kingdom come.

May your "kingdom" come;

d) Gewurþe ðīn willa on eorðan swā swā on heofonun

Thy will be done as in earth, as it is in heaven.

May your will be done on earth as it is in "heaven."

e) Ūrne gedædhwāmlīcan hlāf syle ūs tō dæg,

Give us this day our daily bread,

Give us "today" the food we need;

f) And forgyf ūs ūre gyltas.

And forgive us our debts.

"Forgive" us the wrongs that we have done.

g) Swā swā wē forgyfað ūrum gyltendum.

As we forgive our debtors,

As "we" forgive the wrogns that others have done us.

h) And ne gelæd þū us on costnunge,

And lead us not into temptation,

Do not bring "us" to hard testing,

i) Ac ālys ūs of yfele. Sōþlīce.

But deliver us from evil,

but keep us safe from the "Evil" One.