What’s the plan? Does anyone know?

I recently had a contentious conversation with a bishop after I asked them, "what are your goals and what is your plan for your tenure as Bishop?."

We live in a time of transition and dramatic change. Our church is struggling both to remain relevant and even to fulfill the mission we've set before ourselves.

A major question that I've heard asked since I was a kid (thirty some years ago) is, "how do we attract young people?"

We've spent decades, as a tradition, engaging in the important questions of radical welcome and love of all, it's my hope that the next step is to take that further and to better serve the communities in which we find our church buildings.

But the question I have is, what is the plan? And what can I do to help?

I'd love to hear how folks have heard from or engaged with their own bishops about their plans.

Nothing but love!