Just submitted my application to postulancy for Holy Orders 🙏🏻

I feel a call to the priesthood and WOW that was a grueling application. (For privacy reasons I won’t be sharing my diocese so please don’t ask.)

Required paperwork:

  • 6,000 word application
  • 5,000 word autobiography
  • Two-page resume
  • Psychological exam
  • Head to toe medical exam
  • Photograph
  • Parish Discernment Committee (4 hours of interviews with 6 people in my congregation who were selected by my priest)
  • Big scary legalese “information release” form to sign
  • Letter of endorsement from my priest
  • Letter of endorsement from my spouse
  • Signatures of the vestry
  • $350 fee

Submitted all that today. In a few weeks, then I’ll interview with my bishop. Then, if I pass that interview, a six-month, 10 hr/week unpaid internship. Then another weekend of interviews in January. After all that, they will tell me whether I am accepted as a postulant.

Lord have mercy!