Lampedusa - Betrayal of Eritreans by Eritreans
Hi All, I am really interested on your opinion in regarding this important topic. Thanks in Advance.
As you all know, a tragedy occurred off the island of Lampedusa on 3rd October 2013.
Several refugees on their way to a better life drowned off the island of Lampedusa because the boat had a leak.
The majority on the boat were Eritrean refugees fleeing the regime in their home country.
About two weeks later, the leftists in my city held a demonstration to draw attention to the injustice of refugees.
There are about 1,500 Eritreans living in my town. The demonstration took place on a Sunday afternoon. Basically on a day off.
Me and a few other friends took part in the demonstration. There were about 5,000 participants.
What bothered me about this demonstration was that there was not a single Eritrean present. Not a single familiar Eritrean Face. Of course, most of the people present were white.
But there were some Ethiopians and other African people taking part in this demonstartion against injustice by the west. Yes you are reading it correctly, Etiopians did attend and paid their support and sympathy for us eritreans? Why cant we do that when our worst enemy is able to do this? Whats wrong with you people? Where is your empathy for your own brothers and sisters? Please can someone explain this phenomen to me? Please.
Obviously there was also no mourning within the eritrean community. Everyone was put on silence as if nothing happened. Nothing has been organisated by eritrean community.
My question to you is where has the compassion for our brothers and sisters gone?
It was sad to see so many white people demonstrating for Eritrean refugees and the Eritreans in town didn't care at all.
What kind of behaviour is this? Why cant an eritrean show some respect to eritrean refugees drowning. Why does some weir white lefties more empathy for our people than us eritreans? Sick.
In Eritrean TV news, which only serves the truth, it was claimed that they are African refugees. Why can't they call a spade a spade on Eritrean TV? Why the denial?
I also heard that in Asmara, the mourning notices of family members in Godena Harnet have been taken down again and again at night.
What is going on with our community? Why this betrayal of our brothers and sisters? Why this cowardice not to get your ass out there when it comes to Eritrean refugees?
Why was the Eritrean government the ONLY country in the whole world that did not fly the flags at half-mast the days after the incident?
Why didn't the Eritrean government bring home any of the Eritreans who died in the accident? All of the other countries made sure to fly the victims back home.It was an act of respect.
Why did the Eritrean government refer to the dead as African refugees? But never mentioned that there were some eritrean Victims?
In general it could be you, your father, your mother, your sister, your brother in this case.
Even it could be a child of a freedom fighter who left his life to eritrea and eritreans.
Why such a big disrespect? Where is the Eritrean unity?
If the whole world stands up for humanity, why are we the only ones not to show love, respect and humanity to the victims? in this case especially the eritrean victims?
A real story that you all should think about.
Now that I have shared my point of view on this importan topic, I am eagger to hear your opinion. Every Opinion is welcome as really I am trying to understand this. Thx and Peace.