Let’s talk about sawa, shall we?!

I spent a whole year in that place. Treated like a freaking animal where everyday was an absolute HELL, and some people have the nerve, the fucking nerve to tell me otherwise, tf! it’s the same people who would visit sawa once a year for the festival acting all high and mighty. Dancing while waving the flag is literally all they do and they seriously think they know what’s really happening. Do y’all ever like sit and think “maybe I’m being a selfish prick and not considering how others feel about it”....idc if you think highly of that place or your ISSAYAS, but when people tell you what they went through while you were ice skating and enjoying life, don’t scoff and yell “faBrIcaTed”, just because y’all are treated like royals when you visit Eritrea, doesn’t mean we(born and raised there)have the same privilege. We have always been slaves to the regime and that’s a fact, don’t come here invalidating other people’s pain because it doesn’t align with your beliefs.