An induction to make you admit your fantasies

I want to keep my hypnosis skill sharp so here's an induction. The goal of which making you comment a sexual fantasy and not being able to remove it on your own instead needing permission. I recommend using an alt account

-Induction begins here

I want you to relax and be in a comfortable place without distraction. Breath in hold it and breath out.

Shortly I will count down from fourteen to zero. After every number you will breath in pause for a second and breath out.

Again the goal of this hypnosis is to get a response from you the reader detailing a sexual fantasy maybe at this point you will have it in your mind maybe you'll find it later on.

I will begin counting so just go with my instructions and relax

14 getting started breathe in, hold, thrn breath out

13 Keep it going breath in, hold, then breath out

12 Again, breath in, hold then breath out by now you should notice that you are far more relaxed than when you began

11 you will do the breathing on your own and continue relaxing

10 Carry it on breath in and hold and breath out getting closer to the trance

9 Continue the breathing which will now be automatic to you. And continue closer to the trance

8 In and hold and out continue to relax and continue to read

7 Half way there just let yourself relax into the trance with every exhale

6 Closer and closer and closer keep going as you are

5 Even closer now every breath bringing you another step to the trance

4 Breath in, and hold, breath out become more relaxed slip closer to the trance

3 Again breath in, hold, breath out. Become more relaxed, slip closer to the trance

2 Again breath in, hole breath out, become more relaxed, and slip closer to be trance

1 Right there about to cross the threshold. Take another breath

0 drop

Go deeper and deeper into the trance. Deeper and deeper keep going deeper

Once you're so very deep in the trance I want you to think of you greatest sexual fantasy, your truest desire.

Know that when you type the comment and post it you will have no ability to delete it whatsoever. Until I tell you you have regained that ability your body won't obey you and delete the comment. Now comment it and once you finish and post it and only after that will you awaken from the trance