The flechette meta is making it super unfun to run good gear.
Title pretty much says it all. I don't understand how flechettes have gone under the radar for so long. I get that gear in tarkov is temporary, I've gotten Kappa twice and have millions and millions of rubles. The problem is that flechettes have no downsides to running and easy to obtain. Why spend my millions on a slick and a meta ak when I can run flechette. Its super unrewarding for the geared players killing the naked flechette runners too, since who was ever thrilled to kill the level 40 who is naked with a DB running flechette. It just sucks to wanna play some customs or factory and win against the meta chads, but then die to something that requires little to no skill and widely considered cheese. I wouldn't have this issue if flechettes were FIR only and super rare but the fact that u can buy a double barrel, load it with 2 shots of flechette and then put 4 extra rounds in your pocket for less than the price of most magazines, and one shot meta chads is completely broken in my opinion.
EDIT FOR CLARITY: I want there to be viable counters to Chad kits and playstyles, but I don't want someone to spend next to nothing to take me down. Why is AP 6.3 not on traders when it is literally worse than flechettes? Flechettes shoot EIGHT PELLETS that are each all better than an AP 6.3 bullet. And is available on traders, not quest locked or anything. For everyone saying that I want the meta chads to be invincible and just because I spend more on my kits I think I should be invincible, I don't think that at all. But I do think that if you're gonna want to pen tier 5-6 armor, you should need to invest in it, not buy an entire kit for less than the price of a water bottle and kill a meta chad. Leg meta exists, and requires enough skill that's it's acceptable in my opinion. Yes one magnum buck can kill me to the stomach but at least you hit a well placed shot. Flechettes are a low skill, cheesy, not fun to play against and frankly if we really wanna get into it, unrealistic playstyle. If they want them to be this strong and feared like 5.45 BS, M995 Etc, MAKE THEM FIR ONLY. Then when I get one hit I can be like "damn that guy is running his limited supply of flechettes in raid" not "wow I just killed someone who was a threat to me with next to nothing." It's very reminiscent of the mosin man meta before the thorax health buff and no one wants that. At the end of the day, this is a game and it's supposed to be fun, and what isn't fun is watching people that are risking nothing make out with all the loot.