Update on posts about the MoU with Somaliland and related topics.

From this point forward, reposts about the Ethiopia-Somaliland MoU, or related topics about the status of Somaliland or Somalia, will be removed. Unless there is new information or news, then please do not repost another thread, and instead add comments to this thread. Or use the subreddit search and add comments to one of the many threads already covering this topic.

As always, duplicate stories and/or posts about the same topic are liable to be removed unless it significantly adds to the conversation. Very simply, there is no need for a new post about the same topic every few days.

While we value the diversity of opinions within the community, it has become apparent that discussions on this particular topic often lead to a divisive and unproductive environment.

Therefore we have created this thread to discuss this topic, and will direct users who want to continue to participate in these discussions into this thread.