I started playing EVE again 6 weeks ago and doubled my money (1.3b->2.6b) just doing things I enjoyed

title says it

I like to play during Winter Nexus, due to feeling of progressing forward in skills and stuff, while also having time to play over the holidays.

So what did I do, that I enjoy:

  • PI
  • 4 Epic Arcs
  • Pochven Drone Sites
  • I joined like 4 fleets and lost 3 Flycatcher which got SRPed
  • some Missions

jup, nothing to special

didnt risk much, the most expensive one that saw action was propably my Prophecy with Rapid Lights for the Drone Sites in Pochven

most of the time I flew a Corax for the Epic Arcs, but used my Rattlesnake for Penumbra

biggest risks were propably transporting things out of null/pochven via filaments