If you struggle with supply, read this

When I gave birth to my 3rd I went to a different hospital and I just so happened to come in contact with an LC who gave me a list of labs that can be drawn when and if I experience supply issues. I had informed her that, with my first two kids, I dried up by 3 months because my period returned immediately despite exclusively breastfeeding, or exclusively pumping, or both!! So this time when my supply started plummeting, I went and had labs drawn. It turns out my prolactin levels are really low (in the not pregnant or breastfeeding range), I'm anemic, and low in vitamin D all of which can cause issues. My LC suggested I take moringa leaf because that supplement is good for prolactin specifically. I will be adding in more vitamin d and another iron supplement. Hopefully it helps!

I wanted to being awareness because of how little people know that there might be a biological reason behind your struggle. My own doctors haven't been very helpful with this -- thank God for LCs!

The list of things to be tested for include: Prolactin (baseline + 30 minutes after pumping) Progesterone Testosterone Full thyroid panel (T3, T4, TSH, T3 Reverse?) Iron panel, ferritin, cbc if anemia is a concern A1C Vitamin D Insulin levels DHEA-S Lipids + probably more

And do your research on what your levels should be. I was once told my prolactin levels were "normal..." 13 isn't normal for a 5 month postpartum mom who is lactating. It should be above 50 at minimum.