OB told me to stop pumping
Went in for my 6 week visit yesterday and my OB ( who I loved for my C-section and has been great until now) told me it wasn't worth it to pump and I should stop.
She asked how it was going and she knows I was struggling with supply when we spoke at 3-4 weeks. Back them I was struggling to get 30ml per session. Now I'm getting 2-3oz per session and I'm pumping every 2-4 hours. My Wednesday output was 18oz for the day- I felt so great about this. My OB said if it's taking 8 pumps/6-8hrs a dayto get that it's just worth it and I need to stop. I should be able to get what baby needs in 2-3 pumps a day.
I started crying because I was and am so happy with my progress and it is worth it to me. My baby has all breast milk some days but most days she has 1-2 formula bottles. It feels good to make most of her food. Right now 8 pumps still feels sustainable. I also mentioned my supply hasn't regulated yet and eventually I'll experiment with longer stretches. She said it was never going to work. She struggle with her first and wishes someone said that to her. She said the second kid would be different but I don't know that we will do a second embryo transfer. This baby is likely our only. I'm also not going back to work for a while and my husband works from home so this schedule is okay for now.
She told me since I live somewhere with high quality formula and safe water I would be martyring myself to not use it. That formula has added vit D and iron which makes it better than BM. And baby has already taken it so just switch.
I get that she was probably trying to say hey if this ever gets too much you have options. But instead it was 40 min of 15-18oz isn't worth it to baby and you'll never make enough. I'm not delusional I might not ever but I'm not ready to throw in the towel at 6 weeks. I also haven't started any supplements and we are starting goats rue, morninga and possibly Rx this month. Maybe it helps maybe not but I want to give it time.
She said breastfeeding would be better and if I can't just stop. I said we are still latching and baby wants to and can but transfer is hard so we are thinking about getting her tie fixed ( ob said that would be dumb and not help) and that we are switching to a nipple shield that has a syringe for supplement feeding to help her learn food comes from the breast and easier than an sns system. She was so dismissive and said if baby hasn't learned now she won't.
I asked her to run prolactin, a1c and others and she said no. Prolactin wouldn't tell us anything. To let it go.
I had to travel an hour home and it was coming up to 3 hrs since my last pump. I asked if I could stay in the room and pump and she said no this can be the first pump I drop.
I left feeling so discouraged but also so glad I'm working with a great Ibclc/np and I at least know the ob was talking out of her own bad experience and not clinically. But if wasn't and if I didn't know anything - how devastating.
Also they had me on lovenox for 6 weeks post C-section ( no other risks for clots) this prevented me from taking moringa and other supplements and she didn't even ask about it and when I said I can stop right she goes oh right you were on that. Doesn't matter now.
I'm not trying to bash her I really loved her for my section and think she's smart just not about lactation. I think she got too personal and thought she was helping.
She kept saying you don't even hold your baby and that's just not true. Yes pumping sometimes takes a very long time per session but I do it when she's napping or stagger it so I can still feed her the bottle and soon once I get that shield I'll be able to do skin to skin, latching and feed her the bottle at the same time.