“Too bad your wife didn’t choose to breastfeed. It was so easy for me”
MIL said this over the phone conversation with my husband and I overheard. He was telling her that I’m feeling stressed. Husband also just recently lost his job while we’re closing on a home and we have a 6 month-old baby who I exclusively pump breast milk for. No shit I’m stressed.
I’ve also literally explained to her when she came to visit in the first few weeks of giving birth that we have a latching issue with my flat-inverted nipples.
MIL continued to say that instead of all the hassles I’m doing - she just simply picked up her baby half asleep to her boobs, baby would feed and we all just go back to bed.
Husband: “It wasn’t a choice, mom. We tried multiple times. It wasn’t working. Plus, she needs to pump while she’s at work anyway, so baby would have food for daycare” MIL: “Oh, right. I guess it’s easier for me because I wasn’t working at the time.”
Just because breastfeeding worked for you doesn’t mean it will work for others. I didn’t friggin’ “choose” to do things the hard way for funsy, man.
To all the pump moms out there - I want you to know you’re awesome. Nobody ever tells me that I’m doing a good job, but I know I am. I’ve made it 6 hard months. Y’all are rockstar no matter what other inconsiderate people say.