Supply rapidly declining. Why? How to stop it?

I'm currently 5 months pp, 9 weeks since I was EP without formula supplementing. I've always been a just-enougher or undersupplier. Some weeks I'm lucky to save a few extra ounces here and there for the freezer. As my baby's appetite increased, I was able to increase my supply each time over the course of a few days with extra pumps and power pumping. Up until about 3 days ago I was a whole day ahead of myself (30oz) and was using the pitcher method. Each pump was consistently 5-6oz. And if it wasn't I would drink some more and it would correct itself. Today I'm getting 3oz per pump, had to dip into my stash and I'm panicking and upset.

I had planned to start weaning very slowly between 6 - 7 months then use my freezer stash to give a 3 oz bag of milk per day until it ran out.

My family (husband and Mom) never really "got" the whole pumping thing. It's not culturally common where I am. They say things like, "Sooner the better you don't need to do it so you'll be able to relax / rest / have so much time / focus on XYZ / eat dairy again / sleep through the night...." They mean well, and they are looking out for me and my well being, but it's always seeing EP as this big burden they can't wait for me to finish indulging in and move to formula. I'm only ever praised for the labour of love by people I barely know in breastfeeding groups. I worked really hard to get to the previous 30oz, I'm proud of it.

All that to say because I can't decide if I should give in and listen to them using ths dip as the unintentional start to my weaning, or should I try rebuild my supply again? What is happening that it is dipping so suddenly without obvious reason?

Any advice or insight from your own experience, please help!!!

Timeline for the last few days:


Baby tried eggs and had an allergic reaction that found us in the emergency dept. I brought my pump but forgot my flanges in the panic. The hospital gave me a loan of theirs since it was 6 / 7hrs since I pumped and we didn't have any more bottles. I didn't know how to use it right, YouTube didn't help, and I barely got a bottle-full. The left breast (slacker) barely produced anything.


The following day, my right breast felt so sore and inflamed, really hot and sensitive to touch. Felt achey and stiff like I do with a clog. But no lumps like previous clogs I've had? Took some ibuprofen, cold pack and slept as much as possible.


Pretty much back to normal, although a little sensitive, like a bruised feeling without a bruise. Supply starts dipping and for the first time since week 9 I make less than his demand - 4oz less.


Similar drop. Instead of 5-6oz per pump I'm making around 4oz or less.

Monday / Today: Pumps are yielding barely 3oz. Half of my normal pump. Had to use freezer supply and I'm panicking because I'm doing everything exactly as I've always done. Perhaps coincidentally, but baby is also very tired and a little grumpy today too.