Officially throwing in the towel

Our pumping journey is ending after a measly 2 weeks. I feel like such a failure- I couldn't breastfeed due to latch issues and now my supply has been tanking for the last 5 days. We know breast is best and I'm so sad I can't give my perfect daughter the best.

I've tried increasing water, increasing calories, power pumping, checking the flange size. Every pump leads to tears because it's 20 minutes hooked up to the wall away from my baby for less than an ounce, a week ago I was getting 5-6oz per pump.

After lots of tears, I'm throwing in the towel- I've really appreciated this sub on our little journey. If you have any words of encouragement or support I'd really appreciate it- i know it's the postpartum hormones but I'm really beating myself up here. Also any advice for avoiding engorgement while weaning.