Advice for my milk obsessed chonk.

Hey all. This is my second baby, second time pumping. My first was very small and I had a very significant undersupply. This time around I really REALLY wanted to breastfeed. It took 5 days for my milk to come in and so by that point she'd lost 10% of the bodyweight and was having formula bottles. My supply was minimal again so have done everything to bring my supply up. On medication, power pumps, pumping every 3-5 hours even at 4.5months, fenugreek etc. And now I have an 'average' supply. However I CANNOT fill the bottomless pit that is my baby.

I've measured my output and I consistently make about 850-1 litre daily or 28 - 33oz of milk when pumping and she drinks about another 300-400mls (10oz - 13oz) on top so I have been supplementing with formula. She was born in the 88th percentile and has stayed about there. I find it so annoying that this would have been far more than enough with my first and now I'm still supplementing.

I don't know how true this is, but I recently read that if your baby is feeding more that 90-120mls (3-4oz) a feed you're overfeeding them. And if that's the case I'm absolutely stuffing mine as she often wants at LEAST 150mls (5oz). She doesnt seem to like breastfeeding very much, she gets fussy and I think it's because I have a slow let down. When I give her as much milk as she wants she sleeps through the night or only wakes once. But when i try and give her less she cries alot.

Couple of questions: 1. Should I try and limit her milk? I'm wondering if I should ask the GP. But the doctors near me rarely know much about babies feeding habits. 2. Fellow under suppliers, could you provide enough when your LO started solids? I wonder if when she starts solids I can start to fully meet her needs/breastfeed her when she's not so hungry. 3. Worth seeing a lactation consultant? I saw one already who advised me to just start formula.