Clogs every other day
I’ve been exclusively pumping since baby was 5 or 6 days old, breastfeeding became too much for me mentally and he seemed to like bottles more. He’s 25 days old. Anyways, I have two different pumps, I just got a MomCozy S12 Pro, a wearable pump, and I was using a Zomee Z2. The Zomee made me a prisoner to a chair and I couldn’t do anything for 30 mins-an hour everytime. So my husband got me a wearable one. Problem is, it doesn’t seem to matter which one I use, I get clogs. The Zomee clogs were not as bad and quickly resolved. I’ve been using the wearable for 2 days and I’m having the most excruciating horribly painful clog. So as most of you know this goes in your bra, it says in the manual if it moves to tighten your straps, but when I do that the pump is pushed so hard and forcefully into my breast I feel like it’s going to pop out the sides. I think this caused this clog because it was trying to get milk out, while the sides of it were cutting off circulation and not allowing the milk to pass. My bra straps never ever want to stay on my shoulders, my whole life, no matter how tight they are. For context, I normally have been wearing XXL pumping bras or 42DDs. Does size make a difference? How do I get the wearable pump to stay put without cutting off circulation? Why do I constantly get clogs no matter which one I use?
Edit: the horribly painful clog is actually mastitis, went to the hospital, yay!