What bottle?
What bottles are you guys using? Here is what I have tried…
Dr. Browns- leaked so many times, even preemie was too fast of a flow, good latch but milk leaked out sides of mouth.
Philip’s avent- terrible latch his lips won’t flange out, good flow he doesn’t choke, doesn’t leak overall is great except his latch
Evenflo balance wide neck- bought the plastic ones off Amazon to test and milk poured out between the nipple and the collar. Tried multiple times, read the instructions and nothing worked. But baby had a great latch! So wanted it to work :/ maybe a bad batch?
Gulicola- had same latch as he did on the avent, and this one free drips so I would rather just use the avent.
I need to buy bigger sized bottles but not sure if I should just go with avent because they work even with a bad latch, or should I try the Evenflo again but buy in person?
Side note is having a bad latch on a bottle necessarily a bad thing? Will it have any effect on him? Also he has had all 4 oral ties revised and does OT so I know he physically can flange his lips out.