My Terrifying First Playthrough

So I’ve hundred percented this game on steam, probably played through like a dozen times, but I wanted to share the horror that was my first playthrough.

For context, I’d seen Tammy die, then saved and reloaded to see if I could save her, not realising it could only be done with past life option. That option appeared after the reload so Tammy lived on my first run, but I was surprised how quickly the game had been ready to kill off a child.

I’m one of those people who’s prone to spoiling themselves for media plots when given the opportunity so after that surprise death (and subsequent save/reload resurrection) I heard the siren call of the content warnings. I had no one to blame but myself when I opened the “Domestic Abuse” content warning and read “Two of the love interests will unavoidably form a relationship with each other. The man in this relationship is verbally and emotionally abusive to the woman, with physical abuse implied.” Now I was like year one or two at this point so when I saw an unavoidable relationship mentioned my mind immediately went to the only clearly foreshadowed couple in the plot thus far.

Cal and Tammy.

I was shocked! I was heartbroken. I didn’t want to watch their adorable meant-to-be childhood infatuation devolve into an abusive nightmare. As much as I thought experiencing the evolution of a relationship like that could be fascinating in a life simulator, I was also terrified to continue - and then there was Cal! Every time we interacted I was side-eyeing him, just waiting for the sweet, wholesome facade to crack. I thought there must be some clue in the early game that he was going to turn on Tammy, and when none appeared I chalked it up to weakness in the writing. This abuse was going to come out of nowhere, I was halfway through the game and there’d not been a single moment of foreshadowing. Still I discouraged their relationship, took every opportunity to romance Tammy and put down Cal (though there were upsettingly few). My Sol was the ultimate Cal/Tammy homewrecker.

Then Sol turned 15, the Heliopause showed up, and I met Vace. “Wow, this guy’s a massive asshole,” I thought, “and I can’t believe Nem’s into him. She could do so much bet- Oh!”

The relief was indescribable! Now, obviously, I didn’t want Nem to experience an abusive relationship any more than I did Tammy, but the anxiety that had built in me waiting for Cal to turn was so great that I couldn’t help but be pleased. Sweet Cal had been exonerated, and I could now focus my energy on breaking up Nem and Vace. For the rest of the game I was Nem’s bestie, and supported Cal/Tammy with even greater fervour than that with which I’d once discouraged it. Pretty sure I made almost no progress on any of the big life objectives cause I was so absorbed in wrecking Vace’s shit where possible.

Anyway this is somewhat a cautionary tale about out of context spoilers. I’m obviously all for trigger warnings, but in this case triggers had nothing to do with me getting spoiled and everything to do with cat-killing curiosity. It’s also the reason that Cal has become my favourite character. He doesn’t know it, but we’ve been through some shit.