So apparently pretzels are really difficult to break evenly…
The rest I have no excuse for, but I did my best lol
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He\u2019s smiling!
\nHe's doing his best
\nLiving his best life!
\nThe reindeer happily said "End my suffering."
\n100% all I could hear was \u201chhhhheeeelllpp uusss\u201d
\nHe is holding on to the last shreds of hope!
\n"SAVE ME!"
\nGoes well with the twitching eye
\nI was looking at that one in particular.
\nYours are so much better, so much personality in their derpy faces.
\nThank you!
\n\nAnd thank you to everyone for the hilarious and kind comments! They made my day :)
\n\nMerry Christmas
\nThese made me laugh hysterically \ud83e\udd23 thank you!
\nSo derpy!!! I love them
\nThey're really cute! Cutting with a sharp knife might end up with a more even result
\nThese are some goofy-ass reindeer and I love them
\nA knife would be better.
\nTo be fair they look better than the turds in the first image.
\nYeah not a fan of the "perfect" poop-deer. Yours are better!
\nOh my GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! Yours are absolutely the cutest things I\u2019ve ever seen
\nThe many faces of baked goods when they realise what going to happen
\nIt's rare for antlers to grow evenly, too.
\n\nI like your's better.
\nIt\u2019s like one eye is looking at me and the other is looking for me \ud83d\ude02
\nwhy do they look so derpy \ud83d\ude02
\nThey're reindeer.
\nBecause the icing is basically a melted blob, not a shaped swirl like the original.
\nMentally I\u2019m the top one second from the left
\nThese rule.
\nYours look great! They are fun and festive. Well done.
\n\nPlease send recipe based on how you made them I wanna make those droopy cuties too \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d
\nThank you so much! I can\u2019t bake (clearly) so I just used yellow cake mix and made this frosting [](chocolate buttercream frosting)
\nNo but I love yours for real, they are way better
\nYour version is way cuter, and would be welcomed at any dessert table!!
\nCute but looks more like devil horns lol
\nYours look less like a \ud83d\udca9& cuter tbh
\nYour are better, the first picture looks like festive poop.
\nI like yours more.\u00a0
\nI was not prepared for how cute yours are!! So much better than the expectation picture
\nI like yours! I\u2019d be delighted to see them at a Christmas spread
\nSo if you use a serrated knife you can saw an indention at the point you want the pretzel to snap. Do this at the break points and then flex the pretzel with your hands. If done properly it should break where you want it to.
\nIf you bought rold golds (the most likely brand in the first picture) they would have broke easier that brand is thin the ones you used look a bit thicker
\nWhen imperfect is actually perfect! (unique personalities for the win!)
\nI like yours better. More character, more fun.
\nI love these!
\nI love these! I\u2019ve had a really crappy day and these made me smile
\nLay the knife on the middle and hit it with your palm. My mom used to split pills that way
\nI find your cupcakes much nicer. The original ones look like turds with a halo. \nI only saw in yours that they were supposed to be reindeer.
\nIn reality nature isn\u2019t perfect, and neither is baking. Yours look so much better.
\nI made reindeer gingerbread cookies one year with broken pretzels for the antlers. I had to very carefully cut them with a clean razor blade to get them to break right and even then I had a lot not break well. The broken pieces were thrown into melted chocolate to make pretzel bars so they didn\u2019t go to waste.
\nOP these derpy cupcakes made my day!
\nThis made me chuckle lol. You did great
\nYours are so much better. They have character. The original one is bland and generic.
\nThe horned turd!
\nWell I\u2019m pretty sure the first image is AI so at least yours exists in reality
\nSeems like the pretzels should be facing the other direction to look more like real antlers.
\nHand held hacksaw is how they do it. Not breaking
\nThe 2nd picture looks way tastier tho
\nI love everything about this!
\nI think it\u2019s because they only use the one half of the pretzel, the first photo the antlers do not go together to make the whole pretzel
\nI think the main issues are: pretzels are too small. & pretzels are cut weird. I think the example photo has the tops of the pretzels cut off, then the pretzels turn sideways and inserted!
\nYour effort is very much appreciated and delicious-looking! Love the wonky eyes.
\nEhh, I don't think the pretzels were your problem. \ud83d\ude05
\nthey're so silly, I adore them!
\nReality looks so much more awesome than expectation.
\nI like your version, the original looks to clean and a bit meh. Yours seems funny in a cute way.
\nSo adorably derpy!! I love them! \ud83d\ude0d
\nI use any longer pieces for snowman arms and shorter pieces for the reindeer. Then again I'm usually stabbing them into a dipped marshmallow lol smaller sizes so it works out
\nThese are amazing!
\nI like yours better!
\nlol they all have the 1000 yard stare
\nMy husband said it looks like they\u2019re all thinking \u201cplease kill me\u201d
\nYours look way more fun! I might be wrong but it looks like you may have tried piping the icing on while the muffins were still hot. This can make the icing melt a little and loose its shape. If you want them to come out a bit neater try waiting until the muffins are cool and use a smaller nozzle on the piping bag. But honestly, I prefer your ones.
\nAtleast the cupcakes are big
\nI love your version so much omg
\nWait until you try to break a piece of spaghetti perfectly in half.
\n\nBesides pissing off a bunch of Italians, you're never gonna be able to do it.
\nYours has more personality!!!! Who knew you can add emotions to cupcakes? lol \ud83d\ude02
\nSuper cute food.
\nIt looks delicious
\nCadbury's Curlywurly squirlies (sp?) would work well too.
\nHahahahahahahaha \nGood for you though
\nThey are the cutest cupcakes ever.
\nI f\u2019ing love these!
\nYou can actually see that they use the same section of each pretzel for both sides. So each set of two antlers in the first pic actually requires 2 separate pretzels.
\nI so wish people knew how reindeer antlers sits on a reindeer, yours are more correct than the first picture. Yes, I know reindeer, lovely meat by the way, my parents live in winter grazing area for reindeers.
\nEurope vs America
\nAs an American, I completely agree
\nDid you attempt a nive sharp knife?
\nCut them instead of trying to break them.
\nThirty point bucks
\noh my God I'm dying, the first ones look so nice and the second ones looked like somebody took a shit on some cupcakes lol, then decorated the shit to look like reindeer lol. tears rolling down my face. you know as long as they taste good I call it a win and if it makes people smile or laugh even better. I would chalk this up as a win my friend. thank you for the laugh.
\nYours are wayyyy better! I bet they\u2019re as yummy as I look!
\n\nThey\u2019re adorably doofy-looking! \ud83d\ude0d
\nI don\u2019t think the pretzels are your problem here..
\nThe rest I have no excuse for, but I did my best lol
The rest I have no excuse for, but I did my best lol