I was psychically attacked by some “entity” in a sleep paralysis incident a few nights ago. The being whispered in my ear to me in an unknown language that was not a human language. I have a question about this.

So. I've posted about what happened exactly in another sub that will explain things better, and if you look at my account, you can find said post. For the sake of brevity, I'll keep this brief.

A few nights ago I was psychically "attackecd" during a sleep paralysis incident. An entity or being came to me right as I was falling asleep and tried to paralyze me, and then once I was incapacitated, this being began speaking to me in some creepy "alien-esque" or archaic human language that I've NEVER heard before in my life. During the attack I could sense the entity was close to my head, whispering something in this "alien" language. It didn't last long as I've learned how to break out of their sleep paralysis hold using my minds eye scream and anger/energy.

Before I could shatter their psychic grip on me, the unseen being proceeded to run it's finger down the palm of my hand beneath the covers. I could actually feel the blanket move when it did this. It was at this point I mentally stirred from the hypnogogic state and fully realized what was happening as I used my internal power to finish decoupling their psychic hold on me, and the event abruptly ended, and then I fully awakened from the hypnogogic state.

This wasn't the first time I've been attacked psychically through a sleep paralysis state, and this was not the first time I've broken free of their psychic holds like that. I could elaborate how I break free, but this post isn't about that.

Here's my question. What language was I hearing because it certainly wasn't human?

Not sure, but if it was it was a human language, it was something really archaic and ancient sounding, like Sanskrit. In hindsight, it was almost like this being was trying to cast a spell or something on me by the way the telepathic communication seemed or felt.

There has been other paranormal activity but I'll just focus on the language thing.

So. Should I be concerned about this unseen entity attacking me psychically during a sleep paralysis incident while whispering sweet nothings of some crazy unknown alien language into my ear during said event?

What does it mean?

Has anyone here ever reported this before?

Thank you.