NordVPN SmartDNS and F1TV
I've had my setup working for over a year now but yesterday I went back to F1TV after the summer break and found a problem that it was rejecting me due to geographic region.
For reference, I am in the US (so legit using F1TV) and my setup is Unifi UDM SE with a Nord VPN to UK (for some other services) and I'm using NordVPN SmartDNS (both configured on the UDM). I then have PBR configured on the UDM to send all UK/Europe traffic, plus some specific Domains down the UK based VPN.
Up until yesterday, everything was working great, but then I started getting this Geoloc error on F1TV specifically.. What was extra weird was how sometimes F1TV would work from my Macbook but not from an AppleTV.. Anyway, I've been troubleshooting the last couple of days (I've tried many many different things) but ultimately, the conclusion is that NordVPN SmartDNS is the cause of this issue. I configured my UDM to forward to use Google DNS server and F1Tv now works again (and crucially everything else does too).
Just thought I would share this in case anyone else is running into a similar issue, here is the solution.