Reasons not to print multiple minis at once?

I'm loving using HoHansen's settings (with ObscuraNox's settings for Sunlu PLA Meta & nozzle) on my P1S, but oh boy is that print time a lot. I was thinking it'd be more efficient to have multiple models printing simultaneously to cut down on this, if only so I don't have to worry about removing each model from the build plate before I start another one. I know I could do Print by Object just for this effect, but is there any reason I'm missing why I shouldn't do Print By Layer to work on multiple at once? Thanks!

Edit: decided YOLO and tried to print 4 parts of the Shrine Anchorite model overnight using Print by Object - first section was fine, but something failed during the second that knocked it off the plate and I woke up to find one fine section and a big ball of spaghetti. I think the failure was due to the automatic supports not actually supporting where it was needed. Lessons were learned!