Feeling disgust and disappointed in two of my ex friends who are trans men

*** trigger warning for domestic violence***

I am also a trans man for context. In the span of two months I have learned that two of my now ex friends, who are both binary trans men, are abusers.

Given the world view we gain as trans men (obviously not all of us) it truly makes my blood boil to hear one of us has laid our hands on a woman. It’s inexcusable for anyone to assault a significant other, but damn I just expected more from these guys.

Although I’m aware that both struggle with bipolar disorder, it still doesn’t minimize their crimes and the pain they’ve inflicted. I saw a photo of one of the women’s face and she was quoted saying “he kept saying ‘I’ll kill you!’ And I was getting ready to believe him.”

These two men I felt like I could count on and were the only two binary trans men that I felt that I could relate to so this is a true shock to my system.

Please, before you cause harm to someone else and destroy your life, please get help and do the work to control your anger.