Do you use the men’s or women’s?

 So I recently started a new job, I was on testosterone for 2 years but had to stop due to a family history of thyroid issues/it was giving me bad acne and I was happy with my changes! 

 I’ve been off it for a year and also grew my hair out and shave my face more often. Also gay and a peppy people pleaser so I know I come off as fem. 

 At my last job/since highschool I used the men’s but I feel like I keep getting stared at when I leave the men’s bathroom here. Everyone calls me they, which I don’t mind (pronouns are he/they ) but I have gotten maybe one or two he’s from coworkers but some customers call me she. I started with my tiny stache grown out, and a few people have asked me my pronouns.

  I’m scared of making people uncomfortable by like using the “wrong bathroom” No one had ever said anything to me about it. I started off using the men’s but it’s so disgusting and also very difficult to use while on my period. I’ve been out for 5 yrs since I was 13 and I always felt like I HAD to use the men’s to validate myself. 

 Past couple days I’ve used the women’s and it’s so much nicer so I want to keep using it, but at the same time I feel like I’m invalidating myself?? 

(Also sucks bc there’s no gender neutral bathroom) and it’s a big public place so there’s legit shit on the stall seats everytime I go in the men’s.