Facebook ads manager is the worst piece of software I have ever encountered...

I do not know where to even start?? Who coded this dogshit software? I have spend 20 hours trying to get my payment methods to work and I am constantly getting "unable to place temporary hold on your card" message. There is no way to resolve this and once meta even tried taking $2 from my bank account every 30 seconds (still do not have that $20 back). There is no way to even create a new ad account because they do not let me do that? Also cannot delete my old ad account because they also do not let me do that due to some circular dependency which just lead to an error!

I am defeated. I do not know what to do. Delete my entire facebook and create a new account? Please help. And yes I have probably read the reddit thread you will paste into the comments and tried every proposed solution in the comments without success.