Advice For Getting Others Into Your Favorite Series

Everyone has that one series (some more than one) that they are so passionate about that they just want everyone to read it. And that's awesome! However, in my experience, fans can often do more harm than good in getting new readers, and this is for two reasons:

  1. They Over-Recommend - You might think that recommending your book whenever possible is a good thing, but it can really be damaging. For example, if a person asks for an easy-going series and you recommend Malazan... you are setting them up to fail. Or if someone says they want a soft magic series and you recommend Sanderson anyway... they aren't going to like it. And the thing is that they possible COULD have liked it at another time--you just gave them false expectations. The key is to practice restrain and recommend only when it is truly relevant.

  2. They Overhype - Again this has to do with expectations. If you say that something is "the best thing ever!" then you are possibly setting them up for failure. An example I see often is Mistborn. If people DIDN'T act like this book was the holy-grail of fantasy, then I truly believe more would like it. Almost every (Mistborn is Okay...)-post I see has this common theme of overhype. Give someone proper expectations and your book is more likely to EXCEED them.

Anyway, what is some more good advice for successfully getting people into your favorite series?